How it wórks Keyshot is á realtime raytracing ánd global illumination appIication that is entireIy CPU based ánd thus doesnt réquire any special hardwaré to run.

The only differences are some of the supported file formats as well as the CTRL key, which is on the Mac. Keyshot Address Manual Welcome ToKeyShot 2.2 - Manual Welcome to KeyShot 2 5 About this manual 5 How it works 5 KeyShot licensing 6 KeyShot content 6 KeyShot preferences 6 General Settings 6 User Interface 7 Network 8 Folders 8 KeyShot scenes and bundles 8 KeyShot user interface and tools 8 KeyShot updates 9 Realtime Window 10 6 button user interface 10 Right mouse button menu 10 Performance mode ALT P 11 Library 11 Options Spacebar 13 Importers 14 Fol2011 Luxion ApS 1 Right mouse button menu 14 Hotkeys K 14 Moving the Camera 14 Import - Importing data 16 Importing 3D data or KeyShot scenes (bips) 16 First time import 16 General 16 Orienation 16 Advanced 17 Second and subsequent import 17 General 17 Coordinates 17 Scene - Working with objects 18 Scene tree 18 Moving and Scaling 18 Material - Working with materials 20 Applying materials 20 Editing and creating new materials 20 Applying textures 21 Bump mapping 22 Lab2011 Luxion ApS 2 Environment - Adjust lighting and other environment effects 25 Backplates - Using images in the background 27 Realtime - Setting up the perfect picture in realtime 28 Image Settings 28 Realtime Settings 28 Effects 29 Camera - Working with the camera and camera effects 30 Render - Rendering the final image 32 Render 32 Quality 32 Default - Use Realtime Render not checked 33 Use Realtime Render checked 33 Queue (KeyShot Pro only) 34 Turntable (KeyShot Pro) 34 Region Rendering (Pro) 34 APPENDIX - KeyShot materials 36 Advanced 36 Anisotropic 37 Dielectric (formerly known as Solid Glass) 37 Diffuse 38 Emiss2011 Luxion ApS 3 Flat 39 Gem 39 General 39 Glass 41 Leather 42 Liquid 42 Metal 43 Metallic Paint 43 Paint 44 Plastic 44 Solid Glass 44 Thinfilm 45 Translucent 45 X-ray 46 Wirefr2011 Luxion ApS 4 Welcome to KeyShot 2 KeyShot is the first interactive image creation tool of its kind that allows anyone with little or no experience to create photographic images from their 3D digital data within seconds.It is a continuation of the product HyperShot that was developed by Luxion from 2006 until 2009. You can aIways check for updatés manually under HeIp, Check for Updatés.