
Toontown offline
Toontown offline

Magic Millie has been added - A new NPC that is here to teach you how to use Magic Words.This being said, we’ve made several updates to Magic Words to help form this idea. Now, we want to shift the feeling of Magic Words from a debug or non-supported tool to that which is considered a core game feature. Since the creation of Toontown Offline, these have been vastly expanded on in our project. In most Toontown projects, ‘Magic Words’ as they’re called have been used to debug the game, or sometimes just have fun. Some polish has been applied to the update to make them smoother than ever before, with less crashes.This allows for new unique features in specific miniservers A new Holiday Passcode system has been added.Halloween speedchat phrases have been tweaked.The Spooky Skelecog has moved, and has changed appearence.Bats now fly around in Toontown Central.The pumpkins in Toontown Central now appear in every playground.The title screen, pick-a-toon screen and theme have been updated for Hallowwen.Miniserver administrators can now set the access level of players with a magic word.A ban manager has been added, so now you can finally get rid of those pesky toons!.You can now set a description for your miniserver.Every setting for your miniserver is now in a single file.You can now start a miniserver using a single file.The loading screen has been redone, containing community-contributed screenshots.The Pick-A-Toon buttons have been slightly altered, with a new Info button.A brand new Toontown Offline theme has also been added, to compliment the new title screen.A brand new title screen has been added to the game.You can now actually play Toontown Offline.A new and improved stand-alone launcher with a standard installer.New game setup, launcher, and multi-platform support Without further ado, here are the release notes… Please check that video out below and give it a good listen- it is a down-to-earth video that contains a lot of useful information pertaining to the project, and you won't want to not see it. We on the Toontown Offline team have also recorded a 30 minute video updating you on the new release, team changes, and Operation: Duck Hunt. Features, Bugs, Maintenance- you name it! It features new things pertaining to Cog Headquarters, Toonfest, Holidays, Magic Words, Episodes, Misc. Well, it may be because of this- before today, you couldn’t ACTUALLY play Toontown Offline, well, offline! A bug, which is fixed in this update, prevented it! Aside from that though, this new update defines our game more than ever. We’ve named it the ‘Offline’ Update for various reasons. This update is by far the largest we have ever produced for Toontown Offline. Welcome one, welcome all, to the latest Toontown Offline update - The Offline Update.

Toontown offline